AOD programs and services
AOD programs and services
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It is important for parents to be aware of the range of services that are available, and to be aware of how to access the different services.
We encourage LDATs to link parents with evidence-based services and programs at the local, state and territory and national level.
Where to access further information about parenting:
- your regional Department of Health and Human Services office
- Regional Parenting Services
- local council
- maternal and child health nurse
- community health centre
- neighbourhood house
- gender diversity services
- parenting resources including programs and services
- Raising Children – the Australian parenting website
- Parenting Research Centre
- ParentLine
- Triple P – the Positive Parenting Program
- Parentworks
- Centre of Perinatal Excellence
- Healthdirect Australia
Children Kids
- Relationships Australia
- Strengthening Families Program
- National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service
Mental health and wellbeing
- Headspace
- Beyond Blue
- Lifeline
- Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Alcohol and other drugs
- Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF)
- ADF Community Hub
- Positive Choices
- Alcohol Think Again
- Research and Training Australia (DARTA)
- Encounter Youth
- Mirabel Foundation
Australian Government
- Family Relationships Online
- Department of Social Services
- Support for non-parent carers
- Learning Potential
- The Good Schools Guide
- School TV
- Our Futures
- Achievement Program – Healthy Schools (VIC only)
- Dovetail
- School Health and Alcohol Harm education Project (SHAHRP)
- School Drug Education and Road Aware