Parenting downloads and resources
Parenting downloads and resources
Video Transcript
Download TranscriptParenting downloads and resources
Program design and planning
Community development and tips for success
Parenting program success stories
Program delivery
Program participant slide deck
Scenario cards - Dispelling commonly held beliefs A4/5
Scenario cards - Actions parents can take across the life course (A4, PDF)
Fact Sheet – Having difficult conversations with teenagers
Fact Sheet – Actions parents can take across the life course
Avoiding stigmatising language checklist
Program delivery videos
Video - Dispelling commonly held beliefs – part 1
Video - Dispelling commonly held beliefs – part 2
Program Evaluation
Sample participant tracking form
Parenting program content
AOD risk and protective factors for 6-11-year-olds
AOD risk and protective factors for 12-17-year-olds
Development stages of young people
How alcohol affects the developing brain
Parenting resources including programs and services
Effective parenting practices for preventing AOD use and harm
Getting started: The other talk
Parenting program content video
Video - Actions parents can take across the life course