What parents can do

What parents can do

What parents can do

AOD knowledge

  • Understand how different factors can influence young people’s risk of AOD use and harm
  • Know the facts about alcohol and understand why younger people are particularly vulnerable to alcohol-related harms
  • Know the alcohol guidelines and laws in Australia
  • Be aware of information and support services available, and how to access different services.

Effective parenting practices

  • Delay your child’s first alcoholic drink for as long as possible
  • Role model low-risk drinking
  • Build and maintain a healthy relationship with your child
  • Establish family rules
  • Monitor your child’s schedule, activities, physical whereabouts, and friends
  • Encourage your child’s participation in supervised activities including recreation and sport
  • Talk with your child about alcohol and other drugs
  • Support school connectedness and attendance
  • Build your child’s media literacy.
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