Parenting program delivery

Parenting program delivery

Parenting program delivery

This section supports LDATs to deliver parenting programs.

It provides a number of sample resources including a session plan and presentation, and advice on promoting the program in the community.

Program content

Core program content to include in parenting sessions:

  • Child development
  • Alcohol and young people
  • The harms of alcohol to young people
  • Australian law and alcohol guidelines
  • The role of parents in AOD harm prevention
  • Actions parents can take – parenting skills and effective practices
  • Referrals to other information and support services.

Resources for delivery

Once you have finished planning and have finalised the scope of your parenting program, you are ready to deliver the sessions in your local community.  

Evidence-based content for parenting sessions is provided for LDATs to adapt and use, along with a range of program resources.

Program delivery resources

Promoting the parenting sessions

Consider how you will spread the word in your community.

LDATs may promote the parenting sessions through a number of different local organisations and volunteer networks, including:

  • schools, TAFEs and universities
  • sporting clubs
  • arts clubs
  • music and dance schools
  • churches
  • business groups
  • civic organisations such as Rotary, Lions
  • volunteer associations
  • youth groups
  • workplaces and the local corporate sector
  • community agencies
  • emergency service agencies including police, fire brigade, emergency workers.

LDATs can promote the program using different communication channels, including:

  • local paper
  • local radio station
  • school newsletters
  • partner organisations
  • local community champions.

Key information to include in your promotions:

  • host organisation
  • objectives of the parenting session
  • intended audience (e.g. local parents)
  • event details – date, time, location/venue, duration
  • contact details for people to obtain more information (e.g. phone number, website).

Sample program brochure

When promoting the program, use positive language and focus on the importance of parenting for positive childhood development.

When talking about parenting

When talking about parent support programs and policies to a broad audience:

  • make your message about Australia’s children and their development; always start with children and their needs
  • build understanding of childhood development – and the support all parents need to raise thriving children
  • broaden your focus to all of community, rather than narrowing in on individual parents or parenting
  • explain how circumstances affect parents and families
  • focus on parenting skills after establishing how circumstances affect families
  • explain why parenting matters for positive childhood development.26


Learn: avoiding stigmatising language

Avoiding stigmatising language

View Module Sumary