How does peer support help to prevent AOD issues?

How does peer support help to prevent AOD issues?

How does peer support help to prevent AOD issues?

Young people frequently turn to their peers for information and advice, and research has demonstrated that peers affect the health behaviour of their group members.25

Alcohol and other drug peer support activities draw on the credibility that young people have with their peers to encourage healthy role modelling, deliver persuasive messages, and influence young people’s knowledge, attitudes, values and behaviour to prevent alcohol and other drug-related harms.

Peer support activities help to promote the development of positive peer relationships and reduce social isolation, enhance problem solving and decision-making skills, foster resilience, deal effectively with bullying behaviours, and positively impact young people’s sense of self-confidence and self-worth.

Peer support also helps to enhance the mental, social and emotional wellbeing of young people and create an increased sense of belonging and connectedness, which can protect against AOD harms.26

In the context of the Local Drug Action Team Activity, peer support activities focus on preventing alcohol and other drug-related harms. They don't focus on alcohol and other drug treatment or recovery, and are not provided by people with a personal experience of alcohol and other drug use (lived experience).
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