Benefits of peer support

Benefits of peer support

Benefits of peer support

Peer-based approaches benefit all people involved, including the people delivering the activities (peer supporters) and those accessing activities (young people).

Learn: Benefits of peer support programs

Benefits of peer support programs

Benefits of peer support programs include:

Short term impacts on individual

  • increased social connectedness
  • increased self esteem
  • increased confidence
  • improved social skills
  • positive role model for peers
  • improved problem-solving skills
  • improved help-seeking behaviour
  • improved coping skills
  • optimism.

Impacts on others

  • improved relationships
  • positive influence on networks
  • leadership within community
  • leadership within program.

Long term outcomes

  • mental wellbeing
  • physical wellbeing
  • education/employment
  • help-seeking
  • community engagement.23,24

Peer-based approaches are valuable for young people because they can:

  • be perceived as a credible source of help
  • empower participants to help themselves
  • provide a means of transferring knowledge
  • be a decreased level of threat since they are strengths-based and non-judgmental
  • provide learning opportunities through role-modelling
  • be beneficial to trained peers
  • be more acceptable than mainstream support services to marginalised groups
  • help hard to reach target groups access help
  • provide ongoing contact for isolated groups
  • reframe negative perceptions
  • provide ongoing personal development opportunities
  • be cost-effective.23
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