Mentoring debriefing

Mentoring debriefing

Mentoring debriefing

Supervisor debriefs

In many mentoring programs the Coordinator or supervisor debriefs with mentors and mentees after each session to provide support and assist in monitoring progress.

The level of supervision differs among programs but at a minimum both mentors and mentees should be required to keep a record of each session using the Meeting Record template. Program staff should monitor the relationship to ensure that the pair are continuing to fulfil the program conditions by meeting regularly.

In some cases, debriefing takes place weekly or fortnightly for an introductory period, then less often, or it may always occur after each session. Debriefing may be conducted in person or via the telephone or the internet.

Monitoring/debriefing meeting agenda

Debriefing questions

The Mentoring Program Coordinator can monitor individual sessions and overall progress with the following prompts.


a) How is your match progressing? Are you happy with how things are going?

b) What do you enjoy most about having a mentor/young person in your life?

c) What do you enjoy least?

d) Is there anything you would like to change about the time you spend together?


  • When was your last meeting? What did you do together?
  • What kinds of activities do you do when you are together?
  • How do you decide what activities to do together?
  • Do you have trouble deciding what to do?


  • How often do you see each other?
  • How much time do you spend together at each meeting?
  • Do you talk to each other using social media or by phone? How often?


  • Does your young person/mentor keep appointments with you? Are they on time?
  • How would you describe the young person/mentor’s behaviour?
  • Is there any behaviour that you don’t understand?
  • Is there anything you would like me to talk to your mentor/young person about?
  • Do you need help with anything? Is there anything interfering with your match?
  • Is there any further support we can provide you?

Monitoring/debriefing meeting agenda

Learn more: monitoring and debriefing meeting agenda

Monitoring and debriefing meeting agenda

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