Mentoring training games and activities

Mentoring training games and activities

Mentoring training games and activities

Training games and activities

All mentors need training if they are to possess the skills, attitudes, and activity ideas needed to effectively mentor a young person. Before you run the training, it may be useful to conduct a quick quiz to assess people’s knowledge base so that you can aim your content at the right level.

Training sessions that incorporate a variety of activities will make the training engaging and suit a range of different people and their learning styles.

Consider activities including:

  • role plays
  • case studies using real world examples of situations mentors face in programs
  • handouts and worksheets
  • videos and vox pops
  • infographics
  • group discussions
  • specialist guest speakers.

Useful training resources


Learn: pre-training quiz

Pre-training quiz

Ice breaker - introductions activity28


  • to help participants begin to know each other and become involved in the session
  • to provide an experience that is somewhat parallel to the first meeting with their mentees
  • to introduce the idea of ‘roles’.

Length: About 30 minutes

Materials included: Handout: “Who I Am” (below)

You will need to supply: Name tags (do not distribute them until the end of the activity)


  1. Tell participants you want them to introduce themselves to one another. Organise the group into pairs. Pair people who do not know each other. Then distribute the handout: “Who I Am”. Ask each pair to use the handout as a guide for having a conversation in which they introduce themselves and learn about one another. Tell them that each person will then introduce their partner to the whole group. Allow about 10 minutes for pairs to complete their conversations.
  2. Have each person very briefly introduce their partner - allowing about one minute per person.
  3. Lead a discussion about how this activity is similar to starting a new relationship with a mentee. You can include these points:
  • How did it feel to reveal things about yourself to a stranger?
  • Did your partner do or say anything to help them open up? If so, what?
  • What did you try to do to help your partner feel more comfortable?
  • What would you do differently if you did this exercise again?

Note that this exercise provides practice in sharing information with another person and in helping that person share information with you. Those are key first steps in beginning a relationship. The exercise should also have helped participants think about some of the roles they play in life. For many of them, being a mentor will be a new role.

Handout - Icebreaker Activity: Who am I?

  1. My name is...
  2. My most important role in life is as a...
  3. At work, I...
  4. My favourite way to spend my free time is...
  5. One thing about me that is important for people to know is...
  6. Some of the strengths that I will bring to a mentoring relationship are...
  7. One of my worries about being a mentor is...
  8. One thing I hope to gain from being a mentor is...
  9. The most important thing I hope my mentee will gain is...

Scenario cards:

Learn: real life scenarios mentors face

Real life scenarios mentors face

Learn: communication and limit setting

Communication and limit setting A4

Communication and limit setting A5

Session plans and training presentations

Fact sheets


View Module Sumary