Mentoring program evaluation

Mentoring program evaluation

Mentoring program evaluation

Checklist to guide the closure process

Conduct interviews

Conduct private and confidential exit interviews or final evaluations with all mentors, young people and key stakeholders (e.g. parents, guardians, case managers and teachers, where appropriate) regarding their experiences in the program. The information collected should reflect the program objectives and the corresponding process and impact measures of success. See below for guidance on what information to collect in the exit interviews. A Sample Exit Interview/Evaluation Questionnaire is provided which LDATs can adapt and use.

Boundaries of ongoing relationship

Ensure the mentor and young person agree upon and understand the nature and boundaries of any ongoing relationship outside of the program. The mentor and mentee might arrange for future contact, however the Mentoring Program is not responsible for any contact between the former mentor and former mentee after the match closure.

Notify stakeholders

Notify all key stakeholders of the closure of the match and any intention by the young person and the mentor to stay in touch. A Sample Letter to stakeholders regarding match closure is provided for LDATs to adapt and use.

Define next steps

Assist the young person to define the next steps to continue achieving personal goals:

  • discuss with the young person their current and future needs, and how they may continue to pursue their goals outside of the mentoring relationship
  • link young people to relevant supports in the community to assist with ongoing personal growth.

Future participation

Discuss with the mentor whether they would like to participate again.

Acknowledge and celebrate

Acknowledge and celebrate the positive impacts and successes of the Mentoring Program:

  • present each young person and mentor with a certificate at the conclusion of the relationship. A Sample Certificate is provided for LDATs to adapt and use
  • present mentors with a statement of skills achieved whilst being a mentor. A Sample Statement of Skills is provided for LDATs to adapt and use
  • arrange an individual match, or whole of program, celebration event. A Sample closure/celebration event agenda is provided for LDATs to adapt and use
  • publish an evaluation report of the mentoring program and share it with LDAT partners and stakeholders
  • showcase participants’ feedback on the positive impacts of the program via a series of social media posts.

Information to collect

  • What was their most enjoyable activity?
  • What did they most value in the relationship?
  • What goals did they set and achieve? What enabled this?
  • What goals were set but were not achieved? Why?
  • What was learnt that was unexpected?
  • What would/should they not do again?
  • What should the program not do again?
  • How would they improve the program?19


LDAT tracking form mentoring module

Sample exit interview

Sample certificates for program participants

Sample statement of skills achieved

Sample closure celebration

View Module Sumary