Mentoring recruitment process

Mentoring recruitment process

Mentoring recruitment process

The recruitment strategy should be informed by, and aligned with, the scope of the Mentoring Program.

Recruitment strategy

Develop and deliver a recruitment process that includes:

  • A targeted recruitment strategy to attract appropriate mentors and young people. Consider how you'll spread the word in your community. The recruitment strategy should be informed by, and aligned with, the scope of the Mentoring Program. See below for some considerations about where and how to recruit program participants.
  • Role descriptions for mentees and mentors, outlining the opportunities of the activity, and the expectations of the mentoring relationship
  • A process for applying to participate in the program. It's preferable for young people to volunteer or self-select for the program. Potential mentees may not understand the value of having a mentor and may need to have the benefits explained to them and be encouraged to participate. Young people may be referred to the program from a variety of sources, including teachers, counsellors, community workers, health professionals and parents and guardians. Partners may be in a good position to help LDATs identify young people who would benefit from a mentoring activity and fit the program’s focus and target audience.

Recruitment strategy considerations

Mentees and mentors may be recruited from a number of different local organisations and volunteer networks, including:

  • schools, TAFEs and universities
  • sporting clubs
  • arts clubs
  • music and dance schools
  • churches
  • business groups
  • civic organisations such as Rotary, Lions
  • volunteer associations
  • youth groups
  • senior citizens clubs
  • workplaces and the local corporate sector
  • community agencies
  • emergency service agencies including police, fire brigade, emergency workers.

LDATs may promote the program in their local communities using different communication channels, including:

  • local paper
  • local radio station
  • school newsletters
  • partner organisations
  • local community champions.

Key information to include in recruitment communications (e.g. program brochure) includes:

  • name of host organisation
  • purpose of Mentoring Program
  • a call for mentors and mentees to express interest in participating
  • any specific requirements of participants (e.g. age)
  • general expectations of participants (e.g. program timeframe)
  • contact details for people to obtain more information (e.g. phone number, website).

Sample program brochure

Learn more: sample program brochure

Sample program brochure

Contact database

LDATs will be in contact with many different people when promoting the Mentoring Program and recruiting participants, including partner organisations and community members.

It's useful to maintain a contact database so program staff can keep a record of enquiries and ensure they're followed up. The database can help LDATs keep multiple volunteers and staff up-to-date on the status of enquiries, and be adapted for other purposes over time, such as sending program newsletters to participants.

The database can also help with program reporting.

LDATs may capture this data using their own organisational software/systems, or create an Excel spreadsheet for this purpose.

A list of data fields that LDATs can use in a mentoring program contact database is provided below.

Mentoring program contact database – data fields

A list of data fields that LDATs can use for their Mentoring Program contact database includes:

  • Date of contact
  • Full name
  • Organisation (if relevant)
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Type of enquiry: potential mentor; mentor; potential mentee; mentee; partner organisation; other
  • Action taken (e.g. sent program brochure)
  • Action required (e.g. send Application Form)
  • Other comments
  • Program staff name.
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