Roles of mentors and mentees

Roles of mentors and mentees

Roles of mentors and mentees

Mentoring builds positive relationships between people; often between a more experienced or knowledgeable person (a mentor) and a less experienced or knowledgeable person (the mentee).

Mentoring relationships

Mentors are mature people aged over 18 years who want to assist young people to develop their potential. Mentees are young people who want to gain from the encouragement, experience and expertise of an older person.

All mentors and mentees are expected to be:

  • committed to make the relationship constructive and respectful
  • sensitive to the needs of each other
  • flexible with time management
  • focussed on goals that build the skills of the mentee and draw on the expertise of the mentor
  • confidential in all aspects of the relationship
  • honest about the impact of the program.
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